

发音:   用"做事不知轻重"造句
  • not know the proper way to act


        做事:    handle affairs; do a deed; a ...
        不知轻重:    have no appreciation of a th ...
        不知轻重:    have no appreciation of a thing's importance
        做事不敢认:    your throwin’ stones
        做事不必急躁:    nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas
        做事不顾前后:    draw a bow at a venture
        半途而废,做事不彻底:    do something by halves
        开头就错, 做事不得法:    start at the wrong end
        他人做事不力时:    when someone does not do enough
        做事不可半途而废:    no cross no crown
        做事不可半途而费:    never do things by halves
        做事不能没个计算:    we shouldn't do anything without a plan
        做事不要半途而废:    never do things by halves
        随便开弓;做事不顾前后;瞎猜:    draw a bow at a venture
        轻重:    1.(重量大小) weight 轻重相等 equal in weight;2.(程度的深浅;事情的主次)degree of seriousness;relative importance 无足轻重 be of little moment; a matter of no consequence3.(适当的程度) propriety 做事不知轻重 not know the proper way to act
        做事:    1.(从事某种工作或处理某件事情) handle affairs; do a deed; act 做事彻底 do sth. up brown; 做事得手 work smoothly; 做事敏捷 quick and efficient; 做事周到 do sth. up brown2.(工作) work; have a job
        echo有时与其他人做事不合拍:    echo is new here and is sometimes out of stewith others
        不知:    1.(不知道) not to know; have no idea of; be ignorant of; be in the dark; be all at sea; know nothing about; be the last person to know; be not aware of; without the knowledge of; be beyond sb.; not to hear about; it beats me.; not to have a clue 不知底细 not know the inside story; 不知如何是好 not know which way to look;不知世事 know nothing about what is going on in the world2.(表示疑问或请求) wonder if 不知你是否可以告诉我 ...。 i wonder if you can tell me ..
        净轻重:    net dry weight
        轻重4:    heavy and light
        轻重量:    low wt./low weight/light weight
        不做事:    do nothing
        来做事:    work to do
        按轻重缓急:    to prioritize
        不足轻重:    worthless; count for little (nothing); insignificant; negligible


  1. "做事不顾前后"英文
  2. "做事不可半途而废"英文
  3. "做事不可半途而费"英文
  4. "做事不能没个计算"英文
  5. "做事不要半途而废"英文
  6. "做事超出限度"英文
  7. "做事彻底"英文
  8. "做事彻底的人"英文
  9. "做事程序"英文
  10. "做事聪明点"英文


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