Automatic illuminations detection and color correction of image using chromatic histogram characters 利用色彩直方图特征进行偏色图象的自动检测和校正
If you were to shoot the same scene with each camera under the same conditions and then compare the results , you would quickly see areas where the color is off or the image is rougher 如果你在同样的条件下用各种相机对同一个场景进行拍摄,并对拍摄结果进行比较,你就会很快发现什么部位有偏色或者那张图像更粗糙。
偏: inclined to one side; slanti ...色: colour偏色盲: hemiachromatopsia; hemichromato ia; hemichromatopsia偏三羟基苯: hydroxyhydroquinone偏砂沉积相: sand-prone depositional facies偏三轮摩托车: tri-motorcycle偏砂地震相: sand-prone seismic facies偏三磷酸钠: sodium meta triphosphate偏珊瑚: zeliophyllum偏三角面体: scalennohedron; scalenohedron偏衫: a kind of monk's [nun's] gown, draped slantingly over the left shoulder偏三角: scalenohedron