This screen makes use of a motor to drive directly with an eccentric block vibration exciter for easy adjustment of vibration force 该筛机采用电动机直接传动,偏心块激振器可方便调整激振力。该筛面具有特有的二次高频振动使物料不易粘在筛网上。
In order to decreasing hydraulic impact , the principle is analyzed to eliminate or increase hydraulic impact by means of changing eccentric lump structure to cut down the inertia force of starting , changing the pressure of pilot electromagnetic relief valve and changing the parameters of accumulator 为了减小液压冲击,本文分析了用改变偏心块结构减小起振惯性力的方式、用改变先导式电磁溢流阀溢流压力方式和改变蓄能器参数方式消除或减小液压冲击的原理。
Minyu low head screens are horizontal screens to which an extremely powerful linear vibrating motion is imparted by two unbalanced eccentric shafts and weights . the screens ecciciently handle a large amount of materials . resist clogging , and suit best for classifying small granules . some features of the mlh screen are as follws 振动筛-振动筛是利用电动激振器或偏心轴偏心块作为振动源,使物料在振动筛筛网上被抛起,振动筛同时向前作直线运动或做椭圆运动及复杂运动,以合理匹配的振动筛筛网达到筛分目的。