I will write the gatha you requested 我将写您所提请的普贤大圆满偈。
The nature of the buddhist hymn and poem of praise and its contents in dun huang manuscripts 敦煌写卷中佛教偈颂歌赞的性质及其内容
Their closest relatives are anteaters and sloths , so they ' re like armored digging machines 和他们长得比较相似的是食蚁兽、树獭;他们长得偈戴着盔甲的挖土机。
The chinese letter is attached for chinese readers to share the causal origins and know what the gatha is 附呈的中文信是供懂中文的人分享此因缘并知道是何偈。
This is done in a systematic manner , starting from the basics like schooling to major specialization like engineering 这就要需要一步一步系统地来做,偈从基础的学习到专修某一门课比如工程学。