

[ jiǎdàoxué ] 发音:   "假道学"的汉语解释   用"假道学"造句
  • a sanctimonious person; hypocrite
  • 伪君子;假道学:    sunday saint and monday sinner
  • 过分拘谨的,假道学:    prudery
  • 假道:    via; by way of 代表团假道欧洲去联合国。 the delegation went to the united nations via europe. 他来时假道上海。 he came by way of shanghai
  • 道学:    1.(理学) a confucian school of philosophy of the song dynasty; neo-confucianism2.(古板; 迂腐) affectedly moral 假道学 canting moralist; hypocrite; 道学先生 confucian moralist; a scholar rigidly adhering to principles
  • 布道学:    homiletics


  1. Shut up ! you know what you are , father ? a prig
  2. Prigs on top of everything . prigs
  3. When did you become such a prig
  4. Nothing but disguised prudery


        伪君子;假道学:    sunday saint and monday sinner
        过分拘谨的,假道学:    prudery
        假道:    via; by way of 代表团假道欧洲去联合国。 the delegation went to the united nations via europe. 他来时假道上海。 he came by way of shanghai
        道学:    1.(理学) a confucian school of philosophy of the song dynasty; neo-confucianism2.(古板; 迂腐) affectedly moral 假道学 canting moralist; hypocrite; 道学先生 confucian moralist; a scholar rigidly adhering to principles
        布道学:    homiletics
        弹道学:    [物理学] ballistics 内弹道学 interior ballistics; 外弹道学 exterior ballistics; 弹道学家 ballistician
        道学的:    moralistic
        水道学:    fluviology; hydrography
        宣道学:    missiology
        他来时假道上海:    he came by way of shanghai
        穿甲弹道学:    ballistics of penetration; penetration ballistics
        创伤弹道学:    wound ballistics
        弹道学报:    journal of ballistics
        弹道学的:    ballistics
        弹道学地:    ballistically
        弹道学家:    ballistician
        弹道学专家:    a ballistics expert
        道学气的:    moralistic
        道学先生:    Confucian moralista scholar rigidly adhering to principles
        道学心法:    taoism
        电子弹道学:    electroballistics; electron ballistics
        多弹道学:    exterior ballistics
        法弹道学:    forensic ballistics
        高能弹道学:    high-energy ballistics
        假的:    artificial; bogus; brummagem; dummy; ersatz; factitious; fake; falsch false; feigned; feint; fictitious; flash; mock; phoney; phony; pseudo; sham; spurious - genuine; supposititious; virtual
        假的 - 真的:    spurious - genuine


        假道学的日语:にせ君子. 他是一个欺 qī 世盗 dào 名的假道学/彼は世人をだます売名のえせ君子だ.
        假道学的韩语:[명사] 위군자. 위선자.
        假道学的俄语:pinyin:jiǎdàoxué лжегуманист; человек под маской положительного (благородного) героя; лицемерие, ханжество
        假道学什么意思:jiǎdàoxué 表面上正经,实际上很坏的人;伪君子。


  1. "假导管"英文
  2. "假导管组织"英文
  3. "假导理"英文
  4. "假到达"英文
  5. "假道"英文
  6. "假的"英文
  7. "假的 - 真的"英文
  8. "假的, 冒充的"英文
  9. "假的, 虚构的, 不真实的, 幻想的"英文
  10. "假的,矫揉造作的"英文


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