假造: forge; counterfeit的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...文件: document; file; papers; inst ...伪造的证件, 假造的文件, 伪造单据: forged document伪造的文件: spurious documentfake documentforged documentpseudograph假造的: artificial假造: 1.(伪造) forge; counterfeit 假造的文件 forged document; 假造证件 forge a certificate; 他因假造文件被判了三年徒刑。 he was sentenced to 3 years for forgery.2.(捏造) invent; fabricate 假造理由 invent an excuse; 假造罪名 cook up a false charge against; frame up; 这一切纯系假造。 the whole story is a pure invention保存的文件: a store of papers on one subject打印的文件: typescripts打字的文件: typewritten text大量的文件: voluminous document格式的文件: pdf rar caj zip加锁的文件: locked file密封的文件: sealed documents目的文件: destination目的文件夹: destination folder其他的文件: other documents绕圈的文件: some roundabout papers收藏的文件: favorite files收到的文件: documents received我的文件: my document我的文件夹: flsh_myownstuf my stuff; my folders有关的文件: the relative documents正式的文件: formal document最近的文件: recent files