

  • fake a
  • fatal a
  • pseudo


        :    false; fake; sham; phoney; a ...
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        冒充:    pretend to be; pass sb. or s ...
        假的, 冒充的:    pseudo
        假的,伪的,冒充的:    pseudo
        冒充的:    brummagempseudosupposititious; supposititious
        〔英国〕假船长,冒充的大人物。:    copper captain
        冒充:    pretend to be; pass sb. or sth. off as 次品冒充正品 pass shoddy products off as ones of high quality; 冒充内行 pretend to be an expert; pose as an expert; 他起初冒充正人君子, 可是无法继续维持那个假象。 he was unable to maintain the image of the perfect gentleman for which he had succeeded in passing at first.; 冒充者 jactitator; fraud; fake
        短绒再生毛 冒充的好货 劣等材料 劣品:    shoddy
        假的:    artificial; bogus; brummagem; dummy; ersatz; factitious; fake; falsch false; feigned; feint; fictitious; flash; mock; phoney; phony; pseudo; sham; spurious - genuine; supposititious; virtual
        冒充,假扮:    pass for
        冒充货:    adulteratedgoods; adulteration
        冒充者:    jactitator; shammer
        假的 - 真的:    spurious - genuine
        假的,伪的:    faux
        暑假的:    summer holiday; summer-holiday
        休假的:    off
        虚假的:    barmecide; deceptive; false; fictious; fictitious; illusive; illusory; insincere; mendacious; phantom; sham; untrue
        补充的:    accompanying; additional; adjunctive; adminicular; ancillary; compensative; compensatory; complemental; complementary; nonessential; odditional; subsidiary; supplemental; supplementary
        扩充的:    apt; expanded
        填充的:    packed cellvolume
        自充的:    would-be
        假装,冒充;模仿,模拟:    simulate
        冒充包装:    copycat packaging
        冒充官员:    sham officer


  1. "假的, 虚构的, 不真实的, 幻想的"英文
  2. "假的,矫揉造作的"英文
  3. "假的,虚伪的"英文
  4. "假的、错误的"英文
  5. "假的、虚构的"英文
  6. "假的,伪的"英文
  7. "假的,伪的,冒充的"英文
  8. "假的,伪造的"英文
  9. "假的,虚构的,或欺骗的"英文
  10. "假的,装饰的口袋"英文


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