- false maneuver
- 假: false; fake; sham; phoney; a ...
- 操纵: operate; control; roll; stee ...
- 操纵: 1.(控制; 开动) operate; control; roll; steer 操纵机器 operate machines; 无线电操纵 radio control; 这架飞机有两套操纵装置。the airplane had dual controls.2.(支配;控制) rig; manipulate; govern 幕后操纵 manipulate from behind the scenes; pull strings; 操纵市场 rig the market; play [milk] the market; 操纵市价 control the market-price; 操纵表决机器 tamper with the voting machine; manipulate the voting; 他们巧妙地操纵股票市场而大赚其钱。 they make a lot of money by clever manipulation of the stock market
- 操纵;处理: handling
- 操纵把: operating handle