假如: if; supposing; in case比: 2尔: you能: ability; capability; skill说话: speak; talk; say不能说话的: speechless能说话了: find one's voice哑的,不能说话的: mute不能说话不算数: don't break your promise羞怯得不能说话的, 结巴的: tongue-shy夏如比: lissitazian srbui假如: if; supposing; in case 假如下雨的话, 我们还是要去。 suppose [supposing] it rained, we would still go. 假如你向他请求, 他会帮助你。 if you ask him, he will help you. 假如我忘记了, 请提醒一下我的诺言。 in case i forget, please remind me of my promise当我不能说话,你就是我的声音: you were my voice when i couldn't speak一个人可能说话像个聪明人: a man of gladness seldom falls into madness如比阿唑: rubiazol说话: 1.(用话表达) speak; talk; say 说话不算话 go back on one's word; 有说话的权利 have the right to speak; 孩子正在学说话。 the child is learning to talk. 还是让事实说话吧。 let the facts speak for themselves.2.(闲谈) chat; talk 找人说话 have a chat with sb.3.(指责) gossip; talk 你这样干, 人家要说话的。 considering what you've done, people will talk.4.[口语] (时间短) in a minute; in no time; right away 说话就得。 it'll be ready in a jiffy 摩尔能量: energy per mole诺布尔能源: noble energy还能说: many happy returns of the day谁能说: who can say唯能说: [物理学] energetics我能说: how do i say比尔: a2-21b; al bir; beale; beall; beare; beer-lambert law; bhir; biehl; biel/bienne; bier; bihl; bihr; bill blass; bill buchanan; bill clinton; bill gates and microsoft; bill haley; bill jean; bill murray; bill spaulding; bir al; birl; birre; buehhl; buehll; buell; buhll; buhr; buire; bull; bures; byl; byr; byul; el gir; gir el; jolley, bill; maxbill; r gente; steven brill; tony bill费尔能 有朝气的: vernon扩充布尔能力: extended boolean capability