

[ qīngjiǎo ] 发音:   "倾角"的汉语解释   用"倾角"造句
  • [物理学] dip; [地] dip angle; [数学] incidence; pitch; inclination; [船舶工程] rake; angle of tilt
    ◇倾角测量仪 dipmeter; 倾角测斜仪 depression position finder; 倾角计 inclinometer


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  1. Plunge is the dip of a line .
  2. The obliquity of the ecliptic is the fundamental cause of the seasons .
  3. Blanket or trend deposits are flatlying or gently dipping .
  4. The true dips are commonly observed in quarry faces, cuttings and cliffs etc .
  5. Throughout this book, planes will be defined by their dip and dip direction .


        磁倾角,倾角:    angle of dip
        北倾角:    north dip
        波倾角:    slope of wave surface; wave slope
        侧倾角:    angle of roll; angle of skew back; heeling angle; inclination angle; side rake angle
        差倾角:    decalage
        齿倾角:    tine angle; tooth rake angle
        磁倾角:    angle, dip; diof the needle; inclination, diangle; local wing inclination; magnetic dip angle; magnetic inclination; magneticdip; magneticinclination
        刺倾角:    angle of spines
        大倾角:    high inclination-angle; high spud angle
        刀倾角:    cutter tilt; tilt angle
        倒倾角:    inverted dip
        低倾角:    low dip
        动倾角:    angle of dynamical inclination
        陡倾角:    high dip angle; steep dip
        负倾角:    negative incidence; negative rake angle
        高倾角:    high dip angle
        割倾角:    inclination angle of blowpipe
        横倾角:    angle of heel; angle of list; angle of roll; heel angle; heeling angle
        后倾角:    angle of rake; back rake angle; back tilt; backward inclination angle; cas caster; caster angle
        缓倾角:    low dip angle; low-angle dip
        假倾角:    false dip
        静倾角:    angle of list
        零倾角:    zero incidence
        纵倾角:    angle of trimming; fore-and-aft angle; pitch; trim angle; trimming angle
        倾角(应力):    angle of obliquity
        倾浆:    draining


        倾角的法语:angle d'inclinaison
        倾角的日语:(1)〈物〉傾角.伏角. (2)〈地質〉傾斜角.傾斜.▼地層?鉱脈などの層が水平面となす角.“倾斜角 qīngxiéjiǎo ”ともいう. (3)(=磁倾角 cíqīngjiǎo )水伏角.▼自由に回転する磁針が水平面となす角.
        倾角的韩语:[명사] (1)〈수학〉 경각. (2)〈지리〉 경사(각). ∥=[倾斜角] (3)☞[磁倾角] (4)〈수학〉 내려본각. 부각(俯角).
        倾角的俄语:pinyin:qīngjiǎo 1) физ. наклонение (магнитной стрелки) 2) мат. угол наклона (наклонения, падения, уклона) 3) геол. угол па...
        倾角的阿拉伯语:الميل الحقيقي; الميل الزاوي; زاوية الميل; ميل الطبقة;
        倾角什么意思:qīngjiǎo 直线或平面与水平线或水平面所成的角,或一直线与其在平面上的射影所成的角。也叫倾斜角。


  1. "倾极, 磁极"英文
  2. "倾脊贝属"英文
  3. "倾家荡产"英文
  4. "倾架"英文
  5. "倾浆"英文
  6. "倾角(应力)"英文
  7. "倾角, 倾斜度"英文
  8. "倾角(卫星轨道的)"英文
  9. "倾角,俯角"英文
  10. "倾角;斜角;偏流角"英文


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