- deserve
- 值得: be worth; merit; deserve
- 应得: deserved; due
- 应得: deserved; due 应得的惩罚 well-deserved punishment; just punishment; 应得份 reserved portions; 应得利润 due profits; 他应得的工资明天付给他。 the wage due to him will be paid tomorrow
- 值得: be worth; merit; deserve 值得怀疑 be open to doubt; 值得买 be worth buying; 值得一提 speak of ; deserve to be mentioned; 值得赞许 deserve commendation; be praiseworthy; 值得仔细考虑 warrant careful consideration; 值得社会承认 gain the social recognition; 不值得一驳 be not worth refuting; 我们费了很大力量, 但是值得。 we worked hard but it was worth it
- 取应得: a ciascuno il suo