借: borrow约: 1个月 about a month中: hit; fit exactly规定: stipulate; provide借款人: borrower裁定借款: arbitrated loan稳定借款: stabilization loan借款人: applicant for a loan; boor-owner; borrower; credit giver; loan customer商定借款协议: agreement on loan facilities uto a given amount商定借款额协议: agreement on loan facilities uto a given amount边际借款人: marginal borrower抵押者;借款人: mortgagor共同借款人: coborrower借方,借款人: borrower拟借款人: intending borrower申请借款人: loan applicant重复借款人: repeated borrower最终借款人: ultimate borrower计划中规定的: budgetary借约: due bill借款人证明书: a certificate of the borrower借用人;借款人;借方: borrower规程中规定表格: code form章程中规定的事项: items stipulated in the regulations在借约中安东尼奥做了承诺: in the agreement, antonio made a promise to allow shylock to take a pound of his fresh from whatever part of his body if he did not pay the money back