

  • climbing inverted flight
  • 倒飞:    upside down flight; inverted ...
  • 上升:    rise; go up; ascend
  • 起飞上升面:    take off climb surface; take-off climb surface
  • 起飞上升地区:    take-off climb area
  • 倒飞:    [航空] upside down flight; inverted flight


        倒飞:    upside down flight; inverted ...
        上升:    rise; go up; ascend
        起飞上升面:    take off climb surface; take-off climb surface
        起飞上升地区:    take-off climb area
        倒飞:    [航空] upside down flight; inverted flight
        倒飞的:    inverted flight
        上升:    rise; go up; ascend 气温上升。 the temperature is going up. 他的成绩上升到全班第一名。 he has climbed to the head of his class. 我们的生产稳步上升。 our production goes steadily up. 这个行动制止了英镑的下跌, 但是未能使比价有很大上升。 the move stopped the pound's decline but failed to bring about a significant rally.; 上升点 rising point; 上升动作 vertical motion; 上升功率 ascending power; 上升花序 ascending inflorescence; 上升角 [航空] angle of climb; 上升力 climbing power; 上升螺旋桨 lifting airscrew; 上升气流 anaflow; up-ward current; upflow; ascending air; up currnet; 上升失速 [航空] advance stall; 上升速度 rate of climb; rate of upward gradient; ascensional velocity; 上升运动 ascending motion; 上升转弯 [航空] pull-up turn; 上升状态 propradation
        阿飞上学去:    alfy goes to school
        笔直飞上去:    tower
        荡秋千,飞上天:    swing to the sky
        飞上彩虹:    over the rainbow; rainbow
        飞上枝头:    nbodys fool
        鸡毛飞上天:    a chicken feather flying up to heaven -- to do sth. never done before
        我要飞上天:    a view from the top; view from the top
        长时间倒飞:    extended inverted flight
        倒飞弹射:    inverted ejection
        倒飞动作:    inverted maneuver
        倒飞俯冲:    inverted dive
        倒飞改出:    inverted recovery
        倒飞横滚:    inverted barrel; inverted roll
        倒飞机动:    inverted maneuver
        倒飞筋斗:    upside-down loop
        倒飞筋门:    upside-down loop
        倒飞快滚:    inverted flick roll; inverted snap roll
        倒飞螺旋:    spin; inverted


  1. "倒飞落叶飘"英文
  2. "倒飞盘旋"英文
  3. "倒飞盘旋下降"英文
  4. "倒飞平螺旋"英文
  5. "倒飞汽化器"英文
  6. "倒飞失速"英文
  7. "倒飞跳伞"英文
  8. "倒飞通过"英文
  9. "倒飞眼镜特技"英文
  10. "倒飞油箱"英文


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