- reversing turn
- 倒退: go backwards; fall back; bac ...
- 转弯: wheel; swerve; turn a corner ...
- 倒退: go backwards; fall back; backward going; backward motion; backset; retroversion; retrogression; retrogradation 倒退几步 back [move back] several steps; 反对倒退 oppose retrogression; 历史大倒退 great historical retrogression; 任何要使历史倒退的企图都是注定要失败的。 any attempt to set back the wheel of history is doomed to failure.; 倒退抑制 reactive inhibition; 倒退装置 backward gear
- 不退转: never receding or turning back always progressing and certainly reaching nirvana
- 转弯: wheel; swerve; turn a corner; make a turn 来一个180度的大转弯 make a 180-degree turn; 道路向右转弯。 the road swerves to the right. 汽车向左转弯。 the car made a left turn. 商店一转弯就到。 the shop is just round the corner. 我们必须在下一条街口转弯。 we must make a turn at the next cross street. 这条路到处都是急转弯, 开汽车很危险。 the road is full of abrupt [sudden] turns and is dangerous for motoring