This thesis mainly focuses on the generation of blue light by utilizing the external frequency doubling with knbo3 . following is about the contents . 1 其主要内容如下: ( 1 )从理论上分析了knbo _ 3晶体外腔谐振倍频的产生原理。
Avalanche diode is the traditional solid device to obtain millimeter wave source . the high order frequency multiply technology of avalanche diode is reported very scarcely 雪崩二极管是传统的毫米波固态功率源器件,但利用雪崩二极管实现高次倍频的研究却报道甚少。
Flow separation produces pressure fluctuations of large amplitudes , possibly with the dominant frequencies differ from up - stream blade wake passing frequency and its harmonics 尾缘气流分离产生的压力波动频谱中含有上游叶片尾迹频率及其倍频的分量,但其频谱可能比较复杂,并非单一地受上游叶片尾迹影响。
Point originally possessed the harmful interference of the frequency s every kind of times . enlarge 1 khz sine wave the hour will produce 2 khz of two times wave with 3 khz of three times wave wave for and much higher time 指原有频率的各种倍频的有害干扰。放大1khz正弦波时将会产生2khz的二次谐波和3khz的三次谐波以及许多更高次的谐波。
In this paper , we design a new film stack by use of multi - frequency design idea , which decrease the film thickness of high refraction layers greatly , and the damage threshold of it will be improved hopefully . and at the base of this film stack , by optimizing the film thickness of several outmost layers , we design the hr film at 45 incidence for 632 . 8nm and 1315nm with 180 ? or 90 phase retardance at 1315nm 随着高功率coil输出功率的进一步提高,传统的设计膜系已逐渐不能满足需要,为此我们利用倍频的没计思想,设计出了一种新的高反射膜系,与传统的设计膜系相比,此膜系大大降低了高折射率层的厚度,使得膜系的损伤闽值有望得到极大提高。
倍频: frequency doubling; frequenc ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...倍频: frequency doubling; frequency multiplication; shg (second harmonic generation) (获得频率为原振荡频率整数倍的另一振荡的方法)单频的: monokinetic等频的: equifrequent低频的: low-frequency调频的: frequency-modulated多频的: multifrequency分频的: crossover复频的: multifrequency高频的: high cycle; high frequency; high-cycle; high-frequency话频的: voice两频的: bimalar扫频的: swept射频的: radio声频的: audifier audio视频的: vid video; video音频的: audio; voice中频的: if intermidiate frequency倍频程;倍频带: octave band倍频,双频: double frequency倍频程: actave; frequency octave; one-third octave band倍频带: octave band; octave frequency band倍频度: octave倍频链: frequency multiplier chain