修行: practice Buddhism or Taoism洞: hole; cavity修行: practice buddhism or taoism 出家修行 become a buddhist or taoist monk or nun; strive for virtue and leave the home中心通行洞: central access hole修行记: dot net magazine selection修行门: accordant action修行者: gymnosophist; nazarite; shugenja; yogi修行住: unhampered liberty in every direction出家修行: strive for virtue and leave the home带发修行: submit to buddhist discipline while still wearing one's hair动中修行: meditation in action禁欲修行: mortifying内观修行: insight meditation骑士修行: knight training僧院修行: monastic training剃发修行: have one's hair cut and become a buddhist or taoist monk or nun削发修行: tonsure one's head and enter the religious life修,修行,采药: practising qigong修行处所: ashram修行的人: stylite修行之处: surak正念修行: mindfulness meditation瑜珈修行者: yogi遁世修行的人: eremite身、心、灵的修行: naqshbandi sufi meditation of the body mind and soul