

  • repair rasks dispatch


        修理:    repair; mend; overhaul; fix; ...
        施工:    be in the process of constru ...
        调度:    dispatch
        施工调度:    construction dispatching
        清理施工现场:    clearing and grubbing
        工调:    [简] (工资调整) wage adjustment; salary adjust; a wage increase
        调度:    1.(调遣) dispatch (trains, buses, etc.) 在终点站调度公共汽车 dispatch buses at a terminal2.(调度员) dispatcher 他是电车公司的调度。 he is a dispatcher at the trolleybus company.3.(安排) manage; control 生产调度 production management4.(安排时间、进度) scheduling 动态[工作] 调度 dynamic scheduling; 任务调度 task scheduling; 调度策略 [计算机] scheduling strategy; 调度程序 scheduler program; scheduler; dispatcher; 调度电话 dispatching telephone; 调度电力机车 electric switching locomotive; 调度工程师 control engineer; dispatching engineer; 调度规则 scheduling rule [discipline]; 调度室 control building [room]; dispatching room [station]; dispatcher's office; 调度所 dispatching office; 调度台 dispatching desk; 调度文件 schedule file; 调度系统 dispatching [scheduling] system; 调度优先级 dispatching priority; 调度员 dispatcher; yardman; controller; 调度站 dispatching [commanding] point; 调度长 dinger; 调度中心 dispatching center
        管理施行:    administer
        合理施肥:    adequate fertilizer; apply fertilizer rationally; rational application of fertilizer; rational manuring
        合理施药:    proper application; properapplication
        修理:    1.(使损坏的东西恢复原状或作用) repair; mend; overhaul; fix; put to right; patch up; revamp 修理机器 repair a machine; fix a machine; 精工修理 expertly mend; 正在修理 be under repair; 上星期我把表放在这里修理的, 修好没有? i left my watch to be mended last week, is it ready? 这双鞋需要修理。 the shoes need mending. 当场修理, 立等可取。 repairs done while you wait.2.(修剪) trim; prune; 修理厂 salvage shop; repair factory; 修理店 fix-it shop; repair shop; 修理费 charge for repairs; repair cost; repair charge
        施工:    be in the process of construction; be under construction; build; construction 市政工程施工 public works construction; 裂缝和漏水表明房子的施工质量不好。 cracks and leaks are signs of poor construction in a house. 施工重地, 闲人免进。 construction site. no admittance. 水库正在施工。 the reservoir is under construction.; 施工场所 job location; work-site; 施工单位 unit in charge of construction; 施工缝 [建筑] construction joint; 施工工程师 operating engineer; 施工管理 construction management (supervision); 施工机械 construction machinery; 施工计划 construction program; 施工面积 floor space under construction; 施工企业 construction enterprises; 施工人员 builder; constructor; 施工图 working drawing; 施工现场 fabricating yard; construction site; job location; 施工许可证 builder's licence; 施工组织 construction organization; 施工组织安排 mobilization
        罢工调整:    strike adjustment
        人工调查法:    manual counts
        人工调节:    hand governing; manual regulation; manual shift; manual tuning
        人工调节轴:    manual setting shaft
        人工调整:    hand adjustment; manual adjustment; manual regulation; manual setting
        手工调账:    manual reconciliation
        手工调整:    hand adjustment; manual setting
        员工调查:    employee surveys; hr survey
        员工调配:    staff deployment
        职工调转:    transfer of staff
        摇扇工调节器:    rocking section regulator
        部门经理施美雅:    elaine smyer
        德国总理施洛德:    german chancellor gerhard schroder


  1. "修理人员"英文
  2. "修理人造卫星"英文
  3. "修理任务单"英文
  4. "修理任务书"英文
  5. "修理设备"英文
  6. "修理时间"英文
  7. "修理实施时间,有效修理时间"英文
  8. "修理室, 修理分间"英文
  9. "修理试验"英文
  10. "修理手册"英文


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