

  • trust rerceipt
  • 信托:    trust; entrust; confide; fid ...
  • 收条:    receipt
  • 托收条款:    terms and conditions of collection
  • 信托收据:    t/r trust receipt; t/r----------------trust receipt; trust receipt (t/r); trust receipt,t/p; trust receipts
  • 留交电报;信托收据:    tr telegram restante; trust receipt


        信托:    trust; entrust; confide; fid ...
        收条:    receipt
        托收条款:    terms and conditions of collection
        信托收据:    t/r trust receipt; t/r----------------trust receipt; trust receipt (t/r); trust receipt,t/p; trust receipts
        留交电报;信托收据:    tr telegram restante; trust receipt
        凭信托收据交单:    documents against trust receipt
        凭信托收据预付:    advance on trust receipt
        三方的信托收据:    tripartite trust receipt
        双方的信托收据:    bipartite trsut receitp
        付款交单凭信托收据借单:    d/p t/r; documentary against payment with trust receipt (d/p.t/r)
        付款交单凭信托收据借款:    d/ t/r; d/p t/r; d/t/r
        赔偿保证书信托收据:    letter of indemnity | | trust receipt
        托收:    collection◇托收背书 endorsement for collection; 托收背书人 endorser for collection; 托收成本 collection cost; 托收代理 agent for collection; 托收跟单汇票 collection of documentary bills; 托收汇票 bill of collection; draft for collection; collect a bill; 托收价值 value in collection; 托收款项 items sent for collection; 托收票据 bill for collection; collection bill; short bill; 托收手续费 collection charges; collection commission; 托收委托书 collection order; advice for collection; 托收现款 collection of cash; 托收信贷行 factoring; 托收银行 collecting bank; 托收银行 remitting bank (出口人指定的银行)
        付款交单可凭信托收据借贷:    d/pt/p documents againat payment with trust receipt
        开收条:    make out a receipt
        收据,收条:    receipt
        收条,收据:    receipts
        收条薄:    receipt book
        信托:    trust; entrust; confide; fiduciary 纽约银行家信托公司[美国] bankers trust new york corporation; 中国国际信托投资公司 china international trust and investment corporation; (citic); 他在遗嘱里为孩子们建立了信托财产。 by his will he created trusts for his children.; 信托存款 trust deposits; 信托公司 trust company [institution]; 信托商店 trust shop; commission shop; commission house; commission agent; secondhand shop; 信托投资公司 trust and investment corporation; 信托投资业务 trust and investment business; 信托业务 trust business; 信托银行 trustee bank; trust bank; 信托证书 trust certificate; 信托资产 trust assets
        仓库收条:    godown receipt
        存款收条:    dr dock receipt; dr deposit receipt; deposit receipt
        接收条件:    receiving conditions
        没收条款:    forfeiture clause
        收入票据, 收条:    received note
        收条正本:    original receipt


  1. "信托商店"英文
  2. "信托商店管理"英文
  3. "信托声明;信托声明书"英文
  4. "信托声明书"英文
  5. "信托收据"英文
  6. "信托受人"英文
  7. "信托受益人"英文
  8. "信托受益人(复数)"英文
  9. "信托书"英文
  10. "信托诉讼"英文


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