信息: information; message; news结束: finish; closure; foreclosure ...代码: code报文结束代码: end-of-message code地址结束代码: end of address code电文结束代码: end-of-me age code; end-of-message code信息结束: end of me age; end of message; eom信息结束符: end of message; end-of-message character信息结束识别: end of message identification信息结束字符: end of message character; end of messgae character系统专用信息结束字节: end of exclusive信息结构: information architecture; information structrue; information structure; message structure; organization of information讯息结束字符: character end-of-message讯息结束字元: character end of message被管信息结构: smi structure of managed information动态信息结构: dynamic information structure分层信息结构: hierarchical information structure管理信息结构: smi; structure of management information国家信息结构: nii混合信息结构: mixed information structure基本信息结构: basic information structures信息结构模型: information structure model信息结构设计: information structure design信息组织, 信息结构: organization of information代码结束: eoc