保护: protect; defend; guard; safe ...免: dismiss; relieve; remove受: receive; accept污染: pollute; contaminate国际: international; between natio ...委员会: committee; commission; counc ...国际保护莱茵河免受污染委员会: international committee for the protection of the rhine against pollution保护摩泽尔河免受污染国际委员会: international commission for the protection of the moselle against pollution保护莱茵河免受化学污染协议: agreement for the protection of the rhine against chemical pollution保护莱茵河免受氯化物污染公约: convention concerning the protection of the rhine against pollution by chlorides保护摩泽尔河免遭污染国际委员会: international commission for the protection of the moselle against pollution保护摩泽尔河流防止污染国际委员会: international commission for the protection of the moselle against pollution欧洲保护国际淡水免受污染公约: european convention on the protection of international fresh waters against pollution保护多瑙河国际委员会: international commission for the protection of the danube river莱茵河航行中央委员会: ccnr; central commission for the navigation of the rhine保护电信线路和管道联合国际委员会: joint international committee for the protection of telecommunication lines and ducts多瑙河国际委员会: international danube commission工合国际委员会: gungho international committee国际委员会会议: meeting of international council红十字国际委员会: international cmmittee of the red cross; icrc; international committee of the red cross; international red cross and red crescent movement; red cross international committee内燃机国际委员会: cimac international council on combustion engines保护地中海免受污染区域信托基金: regional trust fund for the protection of the mediterranean sea against pollution保护康斯坦茨湖免受污染公约: convention on the protection of lake constance from pollution部际委员会: cipe; cipi保卫非洲国际委员会: international committee in defence of africa
保护莱茵河免受污染国际委员会的法语:commission internationale pour la protection du rhin contre la pollution保护莱茵河免受污染国际委员会的俄语:международная комиссия по охране реки рейн от загрязнения保护莱茵河免受污染国际委员会的阿拉伯语:اللجنة الدولية لحماية نهر الراين من التلوث;