保护: protect; defend; guard; safe ...工业: industry合作社: cooperative保护臭氧层: ozone layer conservation工业合作社: gung-ho保护臭氧层公约: convention for the protection of the ozone layer保护臭氧层国际日: international day for the preservation of the ozone layer保护臭氧层会议: saving the ozone conference手工业合作社: handicraft cooperative保护臭氧层临时多边基金: interim multilateral fund for the protection of the ozone保护臭氧层维也纳公约: vie a convention for the protection of the ozone layer; vie aconventionfortheprotectionoftheozonelayer; vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer; wiener konvention f.über den schutz der ozonschicht伦敦保护臭氧层会议: london conference on saving the ozone layer伦敦保护臭氧层问题会议: london conference on saving the ozone layer维也纳保护臭氧层公约: vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer中国工业合作社: chinese industrial cooperatives保护臭氧层维也纳公约缔约方会议: conference of the parties to the vienna convention on the protection of the ozone layer拟订保护臭氧层全球框架公约项目的: hoc working grouof legal and产业合作社: cooperative林业合作社: forest cooperative society农业合作社: agricultural cooperative society; cooperative agricultural associations; cooperative agricultural society实业合作社: cooperative industrial society事业合作社: working cooperative society合作社, 产业合作社, 消费合作社: cooperative society工业合作: industrial cooperation科蒂亚农业合作社: agricola de cotia; coopercotia
保护臭氧层工业合作社的法语:coopérative industrielle pour la protection de la couche d’ozone保护臭氧层工业合作社的俄语:промышленное объединение по охране озонового слоя保护臭氧层工业合作社的阿拉伯语:تعاونية الصناعات لحماية طبقة الأوزون;