保护: protect; defend; guard; safe ...汽车: automobile; motor vehicle; c ...用: 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...牛皮纸: kraft; kraft paper; brown pa ...汽车用牛皮纸衬里: car lining纸绳用牛皮纸: kraft twisting制袋用牛皮纸: sack kraft汽车内装用牛皮: leather for car interior包装水泥用牛皮纸袋: sewn kraft paper sacks for cement甘薯淀粉包装用牛皮纸袋: kraft paper sacks for sweet potato starch牛皮纸: brown packing paper; brown paper; cowhide paper; craft paper; draft paper; extra strong paper; kraft bag paper; kraftpaper; laminated kraft; lined with moist proof paper &;am kraft paper; lined with moist proof paper &kraft paper; manila paper; sk sack kraft(paper); sulfate paper; sulphate paper; vellum布匹在装入木箱以前要用牛皮纸包好。: the piece goods are to be wrapped in kraft paper, then packed in wooden cases马铃薯淀粉包装用牛皮纸袋: kraft paper sacks for potato starch救护汽车: autochir救护汽车连: amb co; motor ambulance company救护汽车排: amb plt; ambulance platoon用牛皮鞭打: cowhide包肉牛皮纸: kraft butchers本色牛皮纸: ubk = unbeached kraft单面牛皮纸: semi-kraft paper弹性牛皮纸: elastic draft paper多层牛皮纸: multiwall kraft防潮牛皮纸: pitched kraft paper防水牛皮纸: kraft waterproof; waterproof kraft paper仿牛皮纸: bogus kraft paper; imitation kraft paper; kraft paper