However , because of the lag of material and art the gage protection has become a bottleneck problem for the bit designer to break through 由于材料技术和制造工艺的相对滞后,钻头的保径成为了钻头设计者一个较难突破的瓶颈问题。
Take an example , the gage protection of a bit is becoming more and more important in it ' s application with the development of horizontal well drilling technology and that of deep well drilling technology 比如,随着水平井、深井钻井技术的发展,钻头的保径在钻头的应用中越来越重要。
The paper is after the full investigation of the related documents and patents at home and abroad . some advanced technology and means are also introduced such as nanotechnology , intelligent technology , systematic research method and so on . in the mean time , it is found that the gage protection and the multifunction deserve to be studied for rock - crushing tools 本论文在充分调研了国内外相关领域的大量文献资料,介绍了国内外一些值得借鉴的先进钻头技术和设计方法,比如纳米技术、智能技术,钻头的系统研究方法等,并从中发现钻头的保径技术和复合技术是破岩工具中值得研究的一个方向。
The knowledge and analytic methods of different disciplines are combined in the design , one example is to analyze how the self - adaptable gage protector works by analogy with the close - loop automatic control system with disturbance ; another is to use hydromechanics to study the working conditions of the mdb in bottom 在设计中,结合其它学科的知识和分析方法,如利用带有扰动的闭环反馈自动控制原理来分析自适应保径器的工作,用流体力学分析保径器在井底的工作条件等。
The crucial technologies of highly - displacement well mainly include torque / friction and wellbore trajectory control tool , and these technologies require rock bit have the following characteristics : having gage protection ability , long axletree lifespan , wear - resisting shirt - tail and head o . d . , and high - temperature - resistant sealed system , etc 大位移井的关键技术主要有扭矩摩阻和井眼轨道控制工具,这些技术要求钻头具有以下特点:具有良好的保径能力,轴承寿命长,掌尖和掌背部位耐磨损,密封系统耐高温等。