保守: guard; keep; hold on的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...在: exist; be living天文台: observatory保留: continue to have; persist; r ...保守的人: stick in the mud; stick-in-the-mud极端保守的人: mossback半保留的,半保守的: semiconservative这座天文台的阿萨提: athem alsabti保守的: biedermeier; conservative; conserved; old-line; reactionary; stick-in-the-mud天文台: astronomic observatory; astronomical observatory; observatory n. a place from which scientists watch the stars and other heavenly bodies; observatory review; tien wen taiconservative保守的: conservative conservative保守的,守旧的: conservative保守的陈述: understatement保守的估计: conservative estimate保守的估算: conservative estimate保守的倾向: reaction保守的说: understated固执保守的: standpat极端保守的: extremely conservative or old-fashioned偏保守的: over-designed思想保守的: closed minded; closedmindedd顽固保守的: stick in the mu; stick-in-the-mu蛮人在天堂: headhuters in paradise