保卫: protect; defend安: peaceful; quiet; tranquil; c ...萨: a surname尔: you拘留: detain; hold in custody营: seek战俘: prisoner of war权利: right; interest委员会: committee; commission; counc ...保卫工会权利委员会: committee for the defence of trade union rights保卫青年权利委员会: committee for the defence of youth rights儿童权利委员会: committee on the rights of child; committee on the rights of the children妇女权利委员会: committee for the rights of women保护生殖权利委员会: comite de defensa de los derechos reproductivos电视及互联网权利委员会: commission des droits télévisés et inte; tv and internet rights commission经济社会文化权利委员会: committee on economic social and cultural rights黎巴嫩妇女权利委员会: lebanon committee for the rights of woman联合国家庭权利委员会: united nations family rights committee全国儿童权利委员会: national children's rights committee全国妇女权利委员会: national commission for women's rights拘留营: detention camp曼利委员会: manly council专利委员会: national patent council; patent council巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会: committee on the exercise of the inalienable rights of the palestinian people保护公众利益和公民权利委员会: commission for the protection of public interests and citizens' rights
保卫安萨尔拘留营战俘权利委员会的法语:comité de défense des droits des prisonniers du camp de détention d’ansar保卫安萨尔拘留营战俘权利委员会的俄语:комитет по защите прав заключенных в лагере ансар для интернированных保卫安萨尔拘留营战俘权利委员会的阿拉伯语:لجنة الدفاع عن حقوق السجناء في معسكر الاعتقال بأنصار;