保健: health protection; health ca ...态度: manner; bearing; how one con ...量表: scale态度量表: attitude scale利式态度量表: likert type attitude scale; likerttype attitude scalee情境态度量表: situational attitude scale社会态度量表: social attitude scale对残疾人态度量表: attitudes towards disabled persons scale赛斯通态度量表: thurstone type attitude scale; thurstonetype attitude scalee瑟斯顿态度量表: thurstone attitude scale明尼苏达教师态度量表: minnesota teacher attitude inventory峰态度量: measure of kurtosis偏态度量: measure of skewness单向度量表: unidimensional scale困睡度量表: sleepiness scale难度量表: difficulty scale强度量表: intensity scale响度量表: scaling of loudness嗜睡度量表、嗜睡量表、困睡度量表: sleepiness scale工作满意度量表: global job satisfaction; overall job satisfaction疾病严重程度量表: severity of illness scale事业成熟度量表: career maturity inventory度量: 1.(计量长短) measure; metric; mensuration 度量一下这块布的宽度 measure the width of this piece of cloth2.(宽容人的限度) tolerance; magnanimity 度量大 broad-minded; magnanimous; 度量小 narrow-minded; 度量标准 module; 度量不变量 metric invariant; 度量单位 linear module; 度量化 metrization; 度量几何学 metric geometry; 度量检查员 inspector of weights and measures; 度量精度 accuracy of measurement; 度量可移性 metric transitivity; 度量空间 metric space; 度量群 metric group; 度量微分几何 metric differential geometry; 度量系统 gauging system; metering system; 度量性质 metric property; 度量仪器 measuring instrument; 度量张量 metric tensor 态度: 1.(举止; 神情) manner; bearing; how one conducts oneself 服务态度好 give good service; 他态度严肃。 he has an austere manner.他今天态度有点异常。 he is not his usual self today.2.(对于事情的看法) attitude; approach 我们必须把革命精神和科学态度结合起来。 we must combine revolutionary vigour with scientific approach. 你对这个问题的态度如何? what's your attitude towards this problem? 他没有表明态度。 he didn't make his attitude clear 保健: health protection; health care 妇幼保健 maternal and child hygiene; mother and child care; 保健按摩 keep-fit massage; therapeutic massage; 保健班 keep-fit class; 保健操 setting-up exercises; health exercises; 保健产品 health products; 保健措施 health protection measures; 保健法 hygiene; 保健费 health subsidies; health fee; 保健护士 health nurse; 保健机构 health institution; 保健机理 hygiogensis; 保健建筑 health building; 保健灸 healthful moxibustion; 保健食品 health food; protective foods; 保健事业 public health work; 保健所 clinic; 保健网 health care network; 保健物理学 health physics; 保健箱 medical kit; 保健因素 hygienic factor; 保健员 health worker; 保健站 health station; health center; 保健专家 sanitarian; 保健装置 protection device; 保健组织 health (care) organization