

[ zǔ ] 发音:   "俎"的汉语解释   用"俎"造句
  • 名词
    1.(古代祭祀时盛祭品的器具) an ancient sacrificial utensil or vessel
    2.(古代割肉类用的砧板) a kind of chopping block used in ancient times:刀俎chopper and the chopping block
    3.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子
  • 俎上之肉:    a piece of meat on the chopping board -- a helpless victim; the flesh which is on the chopping block; the meat on a platter
  • :    [书面语]Ⅰ副词(都; 全) allⅡ动词1.(签) sign2.(调动官职) transferⅢ名词1.(众人) the whole2.(连枷) flail
  • 俎远:    zu yuan
  • 佘永正:    she yongzheng
  • :    Ⅰ量词(古代容量单位) yue, a unit of dry measure for grain (= 0.5 decilitre)Ⅱ名词(古代一种乐器) an ancient short flute


  1. House speaker jim wright yesterday threw down the budget gauntlet before president - elect george bush , telling him he must decide whether to raise taxes or reduce military spending or congress will do it for him
  2. Making use of the unearthed artifacts , integrated with the literature handed down from ancient times and absorbing the latest research results of present day scholars , the author has made a further study an da fang recorded on bamboo slip no . 45 of the chu bamboo slips unearthed from wangshan tombs , and hence corrects the mistakes committed by previons scholars
    摘要利用出土器物,结合传世文献,并吸收当代学者的最新研究成果,对望山楚简遣册部分45号简所记“大房”进行深入研究,指出以往学者认为立于面的“侧立板”实为置于俎面下的“立板足” ,纠正了旧有的错误。
  3. However , jp to modify the administrative acts ( jpmaa ) must be carefully exercised , as it is so strong . if it is exercised properly , it will correct the mistakes before it appears ; if not , jp will take the place of ap and interfere the affairs that belongs to the latter only


        俎上之肉:    a piece of meat on the chopping board -- a helpless victim; the flesh which is on the chopping block; the meat on a platter
        :    [书面语]Ⅰ副词(都; 全) allⅡ动词1.(签) sign2.(调动官职) transferⅢ名词1.(众人) the whole2.(连枷) flail
        俎远:    zu yuan
        佘永正:    she yongzheng
        :    Ⅰ量词(古代容量单位) yue, a unit of dry measure for grain (= 0.5 decilitre)Ⅱ名词(古代一种乐器) an ancient short flute
        佘义和:    she yihe
        龠部:    radical 214
        佘新亮:    she xinliang
        :    quick boil; sen
        佘田桥组:    d3s


        俎的日语:俎zǔ (1)俎[そ].古代の祭祀で,供物を載せる台. 俎豆/俎豆[そとう].古代祭礼の祭器. (2)〈古〉まな板. 刀俎/包丁とまな板. 【成語】越俎代庖 páo ,折 zhé 冲樽 zūn 俎
        俎的韩语:[명사] (1)적대(炙臺). 俎豆; 활용단어참조 (2)(옛날에 쓰던) 도마. 刀俎; 칼과 도마 俎上肉; 활용단어참조 =[【구어】 砧zhēn板] [切qiē菜板] →[墩子(1)] (3)(Zǔ) 성(姓).
        俎的俄语:pinyin:zǔ 1)* рит. поднос (чаша) для жертвоприношений 2) кухонная доска (для резки мяса, овощей) 3) столик; подставка Цзу (фамилия)
        俎什么意思:zǔ ㄗㄨˇ 1)古代祭祀时放祭品的器物:~豆(a.“俎”和“豆”,都是古代祭祀用的器具;b.祭祀,崇奉)。 2)切肉或切菜时垫在下面的砧板:刀~(刀和砧板)。 3)姓。 简墨尊俎 刀俎馀生 代越庖俎 樽俎 折冲樽俎 尊俎折冲 樽俎折冲 越俎代谋 刀俎 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉 折冲尊俎 俎上肉 越俎代庖 俎樽折冲


  1. "佘田桥组"英文
  2. "佘新亮"英文
  3. "佘义和"英文
  4. "佘永正"英文
  5. "佥"英文
  6. "俎上之肉"英文
  7. "俎远"英文
  8. "龠"英文
  9. "龠部"英文
  10. "汆"英文


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