君主: monarch; sovereign俄国君主列表: list of russian rulers法国君主: french monarchs吴国君主: wu小国君主: kinglet英国君主: british monarchy; monarchy of the united kingdom赵国君主: zhao德国君主列表: list of german kings and emperors法国君主列表: list of french monarchs泰国君主列表: list of kings of thailand英国君主列表: list of british monarchs; list of monarchs in the british isles中国君主列表: list of chinese monarchs; table of chinese monarchs伊儿汗国君主列表: ilkhanate兼任主教的公[侯]国君主。: prince bishop英国君主体制的神秘色彩: the mystique of the british monarchy国君: monarch俄国: r ussians; russiamuscovy; russian君主: monarch; sovereign 专制君主 an absolute monarch; 无冕君主 an uncrowned monarch; 废弃君主政体 discard the monarchy; 被废黜的君主 deposed monarch; 退位君主 abdicated monarch; 那君主被军事政变者废黜了。 the monarch was ousted by a military coup. 摩洛哥是个有主权的独立君主国。 morocco is a sovereign independent monartery.; 君主国 monarchical state; monarchy; 君主制 monarchy; 君主专制 autocratic monarchy; absolute monarchy 安国君: king xiaowen of qin靳国君: jin guojun刘国君: liu guojun杨国君: yang guojun德国君威: drwe俄国的: ru ian; russian俄国化: russianize