It takes drastic chemical changes to morph a squirmy caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly , and scientists have estimated that this process requires loads of energy to go forward . a logical source of that energy is stored body fat 美国俄勒网健康科学大学的科学家们在最新一期脂肪研究杂志上发表研究报告指出,一条蠕动的毛毛虫要变成美丽的蝴蝶,需要经过激烈的化学变化。
俄: very soon; presently; sudden ...网: net健康: health; healthy; physique; s ...科学: science; scientific knowledg ...大学: college; university俄勒网保健科学大学: oregon hlth sci univ医药与健康科学大学: university of osteopathic medicine and health science健康科学大专文凭: diploma in health science俄勒网大学: university of oregon国家健康科学大专文凭: national diploma in science俄勒冈保健科学大学: oregon health sciences university俄勒网大学俄勒网州: university of oregon健康科学: fitness science; msc in health sciences健康科学系: health schools健康科学院: college of health disciplines健康科学统一服务大学: uniformed services universty of the health sciences东俄勒网州立大学: eastern oregon state university俄勒网大学博物馆: uo museum俄勒网州理工大学: oregon inst. of technology俄勒网州立大学: oregon state university南俄勒网州立大学: southern oregon state college西俄勒网州立大学: western oregon state university环境健康科学: environmental health sciences epidemiology and biostatistics健康科学学士: bachelor of health science bhsc健康科学学院: faculty of health science