促进: promote; advance; boost; acc ...经济体制: economic system和: mix; blend经济增长: economic growth方式: way; fashion; pattern的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...转变: change; convert; transform; ...经济增长方式的转变: change in the main source of economic growth (from investment expansion to efficiency gains)经济增长方式: economic growth mode; economic growth pattern; mode of economic growth; wirtschaftswachstumsmodus m经济增长方式粗放: economic growth is still too crude促进经济增长伙伴关系: partnershifor economic growth经济增长方式从粗放型到集约型转变: form of economic growth changing from the exte ive to the inte ive type; form of economic growth changing from the extensive to the intensive type促进经济: priming of economy先进经济体系: advanced economy经济体制: economic regime; economic setups; economic system新经济体制: neo-institutional economics; new economic system积极稳妥地转变经济体制: actively and prudently transform econonmic system; activelyandprudentlytransformecononmicsystem经济增长: economic growth; economical growth; economicgrowth经济增长点: growth engine economic growth point; growth engine;economic growth point经济增长率: economic groawth; economic growth rate; economical growth rate; gdpr; rate of economic growth经济增长论: economic growth theory; theory of economic growth; theory of growth零经济增长: zero economic growth积极推进经济体制深层次的改革: to press on with deegoing / in depth reform of economic structure; to press on with deep going / in depth reform of economic structure促进经济发展: booming economy; boost economic development; economic growth; promote economic development促进经济关系: promote economic ties