When a problem is inter - departmental in nature , it should be assigned to a quality improvement team . this is quite different from the qcc , as is seen in the following comparison 如果是跨部门的问题就应该归给品质促进小组qit ,品管圈就很不一样,两者的差别如下:
2 . the teaching strategy to promote group cooperative inquiry significantly promote student ' s understanding , practical apply , variable control and experiment design . 3 ( 2 )旨在促进小组合作探究的教学策略对学生的识记理解、实际应用、变量控制和设计实验表现出显著的促进作用。
Physics knowledge of students has on significant effect in results of the teaching strategy , that is to say , teaching strategy to promote group cooperative inquiry is suitable to students with different degree of physics knowledge 门)学生的物理基础对教学策略的效果无显著影响,即促进小组合作探究的教学策略对物理基础不同的学生都是适合的。
Study two , drawing up " promote group cooperative inquiry teaching strategy " in view of group factor and " buoyancy " as test content , discussed the effect on inquiry learning by using the teaching strategy in physics class 研究二针对小组因素制定了“促进小组合作探究的教学策略以“浮力”为测试内容,探讨了在物理课堂教学中引入该策略对学生探究性学习的影响。
促进: promote; advance; boost; acc ...小组: group工作质素促进小组: quality improvement team亚洲就业促进小组: asian regional team of employment promotion精神病学研究促进小组: group for the advancement of psychiatry促进小便的: diuretic工作改进小组: wits质量改进小组: qit: quality improvement team促进小型企业发展捐助机构委员会: committee of donor agencies for small enterprise development促进青年健康发育小组: youth health and development promotion亚洲区域促进就业小组: asian regional team for employment带进小丑: send in the clowns二进小数点: point binary; point, binary放进小屋: cot放进小屋内: shed激进小子: new radicals前进小跳: bunny hop十进小数: decimal fraction; decimal number十进小数制: decimal number system促进: promote; advance; boost; accelerate; facilitate; encourage; further; gear up 促进团结 promote unity; 促进相互了解 further mutual understanding; 促进贸易 give an impetus to trade; 促进业务 promote business; 促进友好关系 contribute to the growth of friendship; 互相促进 help each other forward; 会议讨论了如何促进两国的合作。 the meeting discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries. 他的工作促进了微生物学这门科学。 his work advanced the science of microbiology国际多渠道促进教育行动小组: international multi-channel action groufor education环境管理促进病媒控制联合专家小组: joint panel of experts on environmental management for disease vector control信息和通信技术促进发展小组: ictd group小组: group 骨干小组 a ginger group (党内的); 科研小组 scientific research group; 小组评价 group appraisal; 小组前二名 top two group finishers多位十进小数: decimal of many places