

  • quantity of applicant


        :    marquis
        :    select; choose; pick
        :    measure capacity
        侯选人:    the candidate
        侯选人,候补者:    candidate
        侯选人名单:    candidates’ list
        市长侯选人:    mayoral candidates
        巴西总统侯选人:    jose serra
        侯选人,被选择的东西:    candidate n. a person or thing who wants, or whom others want, to be chosen for position; candidate n. a person or thing who wants, or whom others want, to be chosen for position
        侯选人次序错误:    candidate-order error; candidate-ordererror
        肯尼亚总统侯选人:    uhuru kenyatta
        广告点选人数:    ad view
        以独立侯选人身分参选总统:    stand for president as an independent candidate
        (人数已经缩减的)候选人名单:    short list
        人数:    employees; initial jobless claims; number of people; numerical strength; population; strength
        侯选码:    candidate key
        每一定人数中发生的犯罪数量:    the number of reported crimes per specified number of the population
        数量:    quantity; quantum; amount; magnitude; number 数量上的增减 increase or decrease in quantity; 我们要的是质量而不是数量。 we prefer quality to quantity. 确切数量目前尚不能确定。 the exact quantity cannot be determined at present. 它们的生产数量有限。 they are produced in limited quantities.; 数量标准 quantitative criteria; 数量词 [语言学] numeral-classifier compound; 数量合同 quantum contract; 数量级 order of magnitude; 数量界限 quantitative limit; 数量优势 predominance; 数量语言学 quantitative linguistics; 数量折扣 quantity discount; 数量指标 quantity index; quantitative index; quantity index number
        侯选厂家:    candidate firms
        侯选小区:    candidate cell
        候选人;竞选人;参选人:    candidate
        被选人:    choice
        参选人:    candidate
        当选人:    elect
        候选人:    candidate 提出候选人 nominate candidates; 推举一名候选人 put up a candidate; 自由党候选人稳操胜券。 the liberal candidate is safe to win the election.; 候选人名单 list of candidates; 候选人资格 qualifications for standing for election


  1. "侯选人"英文
  2. "侯选人,候补者"英文
  3. "侯选人,被选择的东西"英文
  4. "侯选人次序错误"英文
  5. "侯选人名单"英文
  6. "侯选小区"英文
  7. "侯学源"英文
  8. "侯学煜"英文
  9. "侯亚辉"英文
  10. "侯岩松"英文


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