侧面: side; flank; profile; latera ...开裂: dehiscence; dehisce; crackin ...表面开裂: face check; surface cracking冰面开裂: promojna地面开裂: ground surface distress路面开裂: pavement cracking侧面开口短节: side door entry-sub轿厢侧面开门: car side opening不规则表面开裂: craze cracking沿岸冰面开裂水域: land waters开裂: dehiscence; dehisce; cracking; crazing; ripping; cleavage; split 杯底开裂 crack a cup across the bottom侧面: side; flank; profile; lateral; side face; sideview; sideways 侧面探讨 sidewise approach; 从侧面了解 find out from indirect sources; 问题的一个侧面 one side of the problem; 她侧面看很美。 she has a beautiful [fine] profile.; she is fine in profile. 这部小说反映了农村改革的一个侧面。 the novel presents one aspect of the reform in the countryside龟裂;开裂: cracking角开裂: aperture of angle开裂(玻): tear开裂874: those goods are available in strong wooden drums of 1 2 5 and litres开裂的: cleavable; fissured; torn-up开裂线: line of cleavage内开裂: internal fissure致使…开裂: cleave 1背面开槽: hinterstechen undercut表面开径: case opening大断面开挖: large cross-section excavation地面开冻了: the ground has thawed out对…全面开火: rake 1