From him there will emerge a she - lynx , and this will nose its way into all things and strive for the downfall of its own race 他会在那里显现出一只雌性的山猫,这会在所有事物里面侦察出它的道路,为了它自己种族衰败的族类而奋斗。
Ralph would not concede that the work of the detectives was likely to be in vain , for he thought that the prize offered would greatly stimulate their zeal and activity 高贵的高杰弱夫先生确信能够侦察出结果来,他估计这笔奖金会大大鼓舞侦探人员的热情和启发他们的智慧。
But when the chief of the precrime unit ( cruise ) is himself accused of a future murder , he has just 36 hours to discover who set him up - or he ' ll fall victim to the " perfect " system he helped create 与此同时,防科高度领导人约翰安达顿却被侦察出有犯罪意图,并断定他将会涉及一宗谋杀案,因而反被追捕。
Julia penny ( chantrey vellacott dfk ) investigates the possible extent and types of fraud and to provide some indicators of fraud and practical help points and guidance to allow auditors to detect fraud more easily 著名国际会计事务所专业人士对不同类型的会计诈骗行为作详细的研究,提供实用的指引以协助审计员更容易侦察出有问题的账项。
By detecting carriers of disease causing gene mutations in artist individuals , some eye diseases could be prevented by avoiding the environmental risk factors . for example , the risk of developing aggregated macular degeneration ( arm ) will be reduced by avoiding a high cholesterol diet , smoking and excessive sunlight exposure in arm gene carriers 透过侦察出带有眼病基因变异的家庭成员,许多眼病都可以透过环境因素而得以预防,例如有老年性黄斑退化基因变异的病人可以透过避免高胆固醇饮食、吸烟及眼睛接触过量的紫外光而减少发病的机会。