依靠: rely on; depend on投机: speculate; seize a chance to ...或: nǎi-.高利贷: usury; usurious loan发财: get rich的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...作投机发财的人, 会赚钱的人: money spinner放高利贷的人: juice dealer; loan shark靠婚姻发财的人: fortunehunting高利贷: usury; usurious loan 放高利贷 practice usury; 高利贷业 usury; 高利贷者 usurer; vampire; loan shark 〔口语〕高利贷者。: loan shark放高利贷: lend out money at an exorbitant rate of interest; give a loan at a usurious rate of interest; lend money at usury; practise usury高利贷的: usurious高利贷法: usury laws高利贷款: lend money on usury; usurious loan高利贷收入: usurious income高利贷业: usury高利贷者: juice man; loan shark; note shaver; usurer高利贷资本: capital of usurer; moneylender's capital; usurer's capital; usury capital海上高利贷: usura maritima高利贷取缔法: usury law高利贷者;“大耳窿”: loan shark商业高利贷者: merchant usurer高利贷者压榨穷人: the usurer squeezed the poor people