

发音:   用"供销存"造句
  • supply marketing and storage


  1. Has developed an actual management system of chemical industry products about serving , sell and supplies , and has greatly improved the developing efficiency
  2. The thesis is also a beneficial software application of the management system integrat ing supply i ng and sale and inventory based on the work flow and im mode based on agent
  3. According to the modern erp design and actualization ideology and methods , and based on the research of the former erp system , the author designs the thzd - erp , puts forwards the system flow chart . the author detailed designs the project of material , sale , and plan information , the project of product planing control information , furthermore , the author put forward the dfd of most modules . this project is based on the existing management system , but better than the system , it absorbed in the erp ' s base kernel and logic , implement the former erp system
    以现代的erp设计和实施思想为指导,经过对太行振动进行需求分析,在原erp系统的基础上制定了新的太行振动erp系统( thzd - erp ) ,摘要一保留了原系统合理有效的部分,改进了不合理部分,并补充设计了原系统不完整的功能模块和单元,给出了系统的流程图,详细设计了围绕物料、销售和计划信息流(供销存)的解决方案和围绕生产计划控制信息流的解决方案,并给出了各模块的数据流图( dfd ) 。
  4. In order to realize the efficiency of the im , the writer has put forward the two seeking views : the management system integrating supplying and sale and inventory based on the work f i ow and im mode based on agent , which orient to the producing enterprise of singleness and small batch type , referring to many theories about the [ m and advanced it , after the serious - minded and practicing investigation . and according as the relative software theories and developing technologies , the writer has programmed the im software module based on the two c / s structure
    为了实现有效的库存管理,作者在对现有系统认真详尽的实际调查基础上,结合库存管理的相关理论和先进的信息化技术提出了面向中小型单件小批量生产企业的基于工作流供销存一体化管理系统和基于agent的库存管理模式两个探索性的观点,并利用相关软件理论和开发方法,采用vc + +计算机语言开发了基于c s两层结构的库存管理模块。
  5. In the second part of this paper , an overall frame structure of the integrated management information system and its design are described . the detail analysis of business procedure and data procedure for some subsystems are given . especially , the implement of a three - layer typed marketing deposit management subsystem , which is based on com / dcom components technology , is expanded
    第二部分,本文提出了企业层管理信息系统的总体框架结构;详细分析了部分子系统的业务流程、数据流程;论述了系统设计过程;详述了开发基于com dcom组件的三层式的供销存管理子系统的整个过程。



  1. "供献"英文
  2. "供线马达"英文
  3. "供线轴"英文
  4. "供箱"英文
  5. "供销"英文
  6. "供销存管理系统"英文
  7. "供销存管理系统建立"英文
  8. "供销单位"英文
  9. "供销分店"英文
  10. "供销合作社"英文


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