使: send; tell sb. to do sth.蹲: squat on the heels; crouch下: below; down; under; undernea ...蹲下: crouch; hunker; keep down; squat down蹲下来: sank to one's knees对手蹲下: forces opponent into crouch控制,限制,;低下;蹲下: keedown使对手蹲下: forces opponent into crouch鸭子, 急忙蹲下, 闪避: duck蹲下进行的姿势63排浊气式: gas releasing pose蹲下进行的姿势88花环式: the wreath pose两人蹲下就聊起来了: squatting down the two of them started to have a chat使顿挫: baffle使对自已有利: make one’s profit of使钝: blunting; dull使对质: confront使钝, 减弱: take the edge off使对照: oppose; relieve使钝化: passivate使对性别问题敏感的训练: gender sensitization training使多产: fecundate; fertilization; fertilize使对问题便于做出决定: put to an issue; put to the issue; put upon an issue; put upon the issue