

发音:   用"使活泼"造句


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        使:    send; tell sb. to do sth.
        活泼:    active; full of life; lively ...
        使活泼, 使生动:    enliven
        使活泼的:    quickening
        使有生命;使活泼,激励:    animate v. give lift to; enliven
        使有生命,使活泼,有生命,活的:    animate
        活泼:    1.(生动自然; 不呆板) active; full of life; lively; sprightly; vivacious; vivid 活泼的小学生 a vivacious pupil; 明快活泼的曲调 a bright vivacious strain; 天真活泼的孩子 lively children; 文字活泼 written in a lively style; 笑话使谈话变得活泼。 the conversation was enlivened with jokes.2.[化学] (活性的) reactive
        使活动,使活跃:    activate
        使活的:    quickening
        使活动:    activate; activating; activation; activise; actuation
        使活化:    activate
        使活跃:    activation; animate; energize; inform with; vivify
        使活着:    to make alive
        促使活动:    innervate
        激活,使活动:    activate
        使活动起动:    activate
        使活跃起来:    activate v. make active; liven up
        使活跃之物:    activator
        变活泼:    quicken
        不活泼:    1.(迟钝) torpescence2.(不活泼的) torpent; [化学] inactive◇不活泼气体 inactive gas; 不活泼基 radicaloid; 不活泼性 inertness
        更活泼:    piu mosso
        活泼的:    abuzz; active; alive; bobbish; bonny; bouncing; bright; brisk; buxom; canty; cheery; chipper; chirpy; corky; friskful; frisky; humming; labile; lively; living; lusty; mercurial; peppy; racy; rattling; ring-a-ding; rollicking; saucy; sharp; smacking; spirited; spiritoso; spirituelle; spry; stirring; sunny; vigorous; vivace; vivacious; vivo; zippy
        活泼地:    animato; breezily; briskly; chirpily; dashingly; freshly; jauntily; like a brick; livelily; piquantly; spiritedly; vigoroso; vivace
        活泼化:    upsweep
        活泼氢:    active hydrogen



  1. "使活的"英文
  2. "使活动"英文
  3. "使活动,使活跃"英文
  4. "使活动起动"英文
  5. "使活化"英文
  6. "使活泼, 使生动"英文
  7. "使活泼的"英文
  8. "使活跃"英文
  9. "使活跃起来"英文
  10. "使活跃之物"英文


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