使: send; tell sb. to do sth.某人: a certain person不快: be unhappy; be displeased; b ...把瞥脚东西给某人, 使某人不快: hand sb a lemon使某人不安: cause a person uneasiness; make one nervous使某人不悦: set one's teeth on edge使某人不舒服: set one's teeth on edge使某人不悦,厌烦: set one's teeth on edge给某人不快之感: jar on sb使某人不寒而栗: make sb.'s blood freeze; no.to give somebody the jim-jams使某人不能、不适应于……: indispose sb.for使某人不能忍受: give sb. hell使某人不受伤害: guard sb from scathe使某人不能逃脱, 使某人不能害人: get sb safe经常使某人不得安宁: lead sb a life使某人不能行动自如: take away sb's freedom of action说明道理使某人不怕: reason sb out of his fears令人不快: repel令人不快的: disagreeable unpleasant; unpalatable; unpleasant horrible disgusting惹人不快的: invidious令人不快的雨: dismal rain使人不快的事: a distasteful incident使某人: cause to be in a certain condition; to one’s credit皱眉蹙额使某人不敢再作声: frown sb into silence令人不快的沉积: objectionable deposit