In order to minimize the value of the improved integral time multiplied absolute error ( itae ) performance index , the simplex method was used to optimize the fuzzy controller with 4 modifying factors 采用单纯形法对4修正因子模糊控制器的4个修正因子进行优化,以使改进的itae性能指标最小。
Based on it , the article also puts forward a pertinent improvement on ieee 802 . 11e , which makes the protocol more efficient in wsns for image collection and transmission 本文在此基础之上对ieee802 . 11emac层协议提出了有针对性的改进方案,使改进后的协议在用于图像采集和传输的传感器网络中更加高效。
These enhancements will build on proven dd technology and standards while protecting the installed base of millions of devices based on the technology and providing for seamless migration of the devices using the enhancements into installed systems 这些改进将建立于已经验证的dd技术和标准,保护基于基金会技术的数百万的已安装设备,并使改进的设备可以无缝地集成于已安装系统中。
Some conclusions and suggestions on betterment of getpc have been offered in this part . equally we still insists on the fearful complexity of getpc grounding on contractual analysis framework , and each countermeasures must be conjugated so as to achieve better results 并强调了基于合约分析框架下的政府委托旅游规划之复杂性和系统性,因而各项改善措施应尽量配合,以使改进效果不断增强而不是减弱。
The attack process is segmented into three necessary phases and an improved tool called rapidly - exploring random tree is used for trajectory planning at the last approaching phase by using the concept of state - time space 将攻击过程划分为三个必要的阶段进行分析,并针对最后关键的逼近阶段提出了改进的快速扩展随机树算法,通过在原算法的基础上融人状态一时间空间的思想,使改进后的算法能够有效地处理动态环境中的轨迹规划问题。
使: send; tell sb. to do sth.改进: improve; make better; better ...使改道: divert; rechannel; redirect使改过: reform使改宗: proselytize改进: improve; make better; better; mend; improvement; perfection; melioration 改进书法 improve one's handwriting; 改进工作 make one's work better使改变本性: denaturalize; denature使改变方向: haul使改变航向: haul使改变立场: bring over to使改变信仰: convert使改变主意: to put a person off使改方向: redirect使改感染: communicate使改邪归正: rehumanize使改信新教: protestantize使改用电力: convert to the use of electric power使转变;使改变: convert使变形, 使改观, 美化: transfigure使改为十进制: decimalize使改信天主教: papalize使改宗教信仰: proselyte改进,改善;改进处: improvement n版改进: gabest促改进: improve