使: send; tell sb. to do sth.失措: lose one's presence of mind; ...失措: lose one's presence of mind; lose one's head 惊慌失措 be panic-stricken使失败: frustrate; overset; trip; upset使失步: desynchronizing使失调: disorder使失控: get beyond control使失去: bereave; deprive; dispossess; extinguish; rob使失色: efface/outshine; extinguish; tarnish使失速: stall使失望: let down 你做那样的事使我太失望了。 you let me down doing thing like that使失效: deactivated; flaw; inactivating; neutralisation; neutralization; nullify; vitiate; vitiating使失真: distort仓皇失措: be disconcerted; all in a fluster [flutter]; be at a loss as to what to do; be panic-stricken; startled and do not know what to do; be scared out of one's wits; be disturbed not knowing what to do; flat-footed 老师的讯问使他仓皇失措。 the teacher's question caught him flat-footed仓皇失措,慌乱: lose one's head; lose one's head仓惶失措: flutter慌乱,仓皇失措: lose one's head; loseone'shead慌乱,惊慌失措: lose one’s head惊慌失措: be confound at; be seized / struck with a panic; hit the panic button; in fear and trepidation; like a duck in a thunderstorm; look like a dying duck in a thunderstorm; pedale dure; push the panic button; spin惊慌失措的: panic-stricken惊惶失措: be thrown into a panic; be frightened out of one's wits [senses]; be in a state of panic; be lost in astonishment; be seized with panic; be struck all of a heap; be struck with dismay; be terrified and flustered; like a duck in a thunder storm; lose one's presence of mind 在解放军无坚不摧的进攻下, 敌军士气沮丧, 惊惶失措, 纷纷四散逃命。 the irresistible onslaught of the pla sent the enemy scattering in demoralized panic-stricken groups. 没有理由惊惶失措。 there is no ground for alarm惊惶失措的: like a dying duck in a thunderstorm茫然失措: be all adrift; be besides oneself; be out of the wits [senses]使仓皇失措: disconcert张皇失措: be in a flurry of alarm; be all in a fluster [flutter]; be at a loss what to do; be disconcerted; be frightened out of one's wits; be in a nonplus; be in confusion; be nonplused by the question; be scared out of one's wits [senses]; be seized with (a) panic; be so confounded as not to know what to do or say; be so flustered as to be at a loss for words or action; become confused; fall into a flutter; get into a panic; lose one's head; lose one's mental control; nervous; panic-stricken; startled and did not know what to do 我们的奇袭使敌人张皇失措。our surprise attack put the enemy into a flutter. 在失败面前, 不能张皇失措。it is no good being shattered by failure