One of the critical technologies of augment reality ? ? the registration of virtual object in augment reality is investigated 研究增强现实的关键技术之一的虚拟物体注册技术,使增强现实系统中的增强信息更具有真实感。
2 . bark wavelet is used in the speech enhancement . to decompose and reconstruct the speech . . because bark wavelet is coincide with human auditory system , the speech we got is more nature 由于bark子波在感知特性上与人耳的听觉系统是吻合的,使增强后的语音更加符合人耳的听觉感知。
It has been proved with experiment that while improving the contrast degree of the image , the method effectively resolves the problem of the noise being enhanced at the same time ; thus makes it easy for the enhanced image to be analyzed and processed 实验证明,该方法在提高图像对比度的同时,有效的解决了噪声也被增强问题,使增强后的图像便于图像分析和后期处理。