It is of paramount importance that the ecological and high quality landscape areas should be protected from encroachment by development 因此,保护具生态价值和景色优美的地区,使免受发展渗入,是极为重要的。
Oh , its you , said pierre , with a preoccupied and dissatisfied air . im at work , you see , he added , pointing to the manuscript book with that look of escaping from the ills of life with which unhappy people look at their work “哦,是您, ”皮埃尔现出一副漫不经心的不满意的样子说, “瞧,我在工作, ”他指着一本练习簿说,他那种神色就像不幸的人流露出拯救灵魂使免受人生之苦的神色注视着自己做的工作似的。
Wetlands and other lowland habitats are particularly vulnerable to development . the protection to ecological habitats provided by current statutes and designations is not comprehensive and certain specific species and areas of important habitat remain unprotected from development 现行法例及划定用途的方法为生态环境所提供的保护不够全面,某些特别物种及重要生境仍未能受到保护,使免受发展项目所损害。
Recent no - tillage and ridge culture commenced in the united states in the 1930s . it was developed to prevent the erosion of water and soil and to avoid the wind and water erosion . not until the atrazine herbicide was invented and successfully used in the 1960s was the nt technique succeeded and spread 近代的免耕始于20世纪30年代的美国,为了防治水土流失,防止风蚀和水蚀而发展起来的,到60年代,阿特拉津除草剂的发明利用,才使免(少)耕法得以成功应用和推广。
使: send; tell sb. to do sth.免: dismiss; relieve; remove使免除: free; get rid of; immunize; rid使免去: spare使免疫: immunise; immunize使免于: kee from; keefrom使免除(责任等): exempt使免除责任: excuse from使免疫的: immunifacient使免于困窘: disembarrassment使免于贫困: depauperize使免遭,免除: spare使免遭处罚: get in the way; get off释放, 解雇, 使免除: discharge from阻止;使免于;隐瞒: keefrom被免除的;使免除: exempt隐瞒,瞒谆避开;使免于: keefrom使摆脱, 帮把消灭掉, 使免除: rid a of b使密实: densification; densify使密接: knit使密集: condense - make less compact使密布: sow vtvii使密: thicken