使: send; tell sb. to do sth.他们: they烦恼: vexed; worried在他们烦恼时给予安慰: be understanding when they have a difficult day他们使他苏醒过来: they brought him to轰炸使他们胆战心惊: the bombing attack struck fear into their hearts即使他们尚无法解读: even if they couldn't read them yet将使他们悲痛到无语咛咽: let them know that i'm glad go咖啡使他们充满活力: coffee kept them on the go漂亮得使他们目瞪口呆: knock their eyes out迫使他们要在法庭上自辩: forced them to represent themselves in court使他们骗人的,吃的和致命: making them deceitful, cannibalistic and lethal使他们自己也沾上罪恶: and make themselves a part of the crime突然空袭使他们大为惊恐they: were alarmed by a sudden air attack我们怎样才能使他们多 脑亩: how do we get them to read more这个问题使他们议论纷纷: the question has provoked much discussion among them这使他们处境很尴尬: this put them in a very awkward position真相,使他们自豪的是穷人: niggaz烦恼: be vexed; be worried 自寻烦恼 bring vexation on oneself; worry over for nothing; 不要为小事烦恼。don't be upset by trifles.; don't worry over trifles 他们得陇望蜀永远无法使他们心满意足: much will have more他们的共同利益使他们团结: their mutual interest held them together表演之佳使他们必须谢幕3次: the performance was so good that they got curtain calls从而使他们能够完成在社会各种领域: domains母亲的病使他们在假日中很扫兴: their mother's illness cast a damp over the holidays你的表演很精彩确实使他们着迷了: you gave a great performance and really knocked them dead