佩剑: walking rapier; walking swor ...刀: knife; sword随身携带: carry... with one; carry-on的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...武器: weapon; arms随身携带的: impedimenta非随身携带的行李: unaccompanied luggage可随身携带的物品: carryon随身携带的箭筒: body quiver随身携带的水壶: travel bottle随身携带的物品: carry-on item随身携带的行李: accompanied baggage; carry-on luggage货郎随身携带的货物: wares随身携带的电话接收器: bleeper随身携带的小件行李: hand baggage有非随身携带的海运物品: i/we have shipped goods which are not accompanying me/us随身携带: carry ... with one; carry-on随身携带物: traps随身携带行李: carry-on baggage; carry-on luggage请保管好您随身携带的物品: take care of your belongings随身携带多少现金: how much money do you have with you随身携带手提袋: carry-on bag你随身携带多少现金: how much money do you have with you请随身携带你的行李: please leave your luggage with you at all times; queue here随身携带型人工呼吸面罩: pocket mask