你: you真: true; genuine; real恶心: feel like vomiting; sicchasi ...真恶心: gross; how disgusting; so disgusting你真让我恶心: you make me sick恶心: 1.(要呕吐) feel like vomiting; sicchasia; nausea; feel nauseated; feel sick 感到恶心 be sick at the stomach; 引起恶心 cause [provoke] nausea; 我感到恶心, 但总算没把吃下去的东西吐出来。 i felt sick but succeeded in keeping the food down.2.(使人厌恶) nauseating; disgusting 令人恶心的情景 a nauseating sight; 一见到他就让人恶心。 his very sight is quite disgusting你真: you、re so fu*kin、 special恶心, 呕吐: be sick恶心(动词): suck恶心的: disgusting; gross; nauseous; qualmish; repulsive; vomitive/pukey恶心后: post nausea恶心系: mondo恶心药: nauseant恶心症: slimy doom恶心之: repulsive干吐,恶心: retch很恶心: blood and gore; bloodandgore; that's disgusting使恶心: drug我恶心: i feel nauseous; i fell sick你真棒: you are great你真笨: you’re so lame你真逗: how funny you are你真逗!: How funny you are!你真好: better for you; that a very nice of you; that's very kind of you; you are sweet你真美: you are so beautiful; you’re a beautiful person