你: you的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...言行: words and deeds; statements ...不当的言行: cheap shot; cheap-shot粗鄙的言行: blackguardism粗卤的言行: discourtesy放肆的言行: extravagance荒谬的言行: nonsense鲁莽的言行: abrupt manner冒失的言行: familiarity轻率的言行: indiscreet remark or act失礼的言行: indecorum顽固的言行: obstinacy无礼的言行: indecorum愚蠢的言行: fatuity愚昧的言行: ineptitude; unwisdom侮辱性的言行: thing said or done that humiliates sb荒谬, 悖理, 荒谬的言行: absurdity令人难堪的言行: put-down奢侈, 浪费, 放肆的言行: extravagance停止粗鲁的言行: cut the rough stuff与某人和解的言行: thing said or done to show that one wishes to make peace with sb无意义的或愚蠢的言行: inane remark or act你的言语刺痛了我: oooh oh bruised and battered by your words言行: words and deeds; statements and actions 言行失检 let oneself loose; 言行相悖 practise against what one preaches