你: you的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...眼睛: eye; lamp; opto-告诉: tell complain; accuse我: I; my; me永远: always; forever; ever; in pe ...不会: will not; not likely; incapa ...离开: leave; depart from; deviate ...你的眼神述说着你永远不会离开我,: there's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me你的眼睛告诉我: i can tell by your eyes你永远不会离开我: saying you'll never leave me我永远不会离开你: i'm never gonna say goodbye宠物永远不会离开你: pets will never leave you告诉我你的梦: tell me what you dream; tell me your dreams你永远不会独行: you will never walk alone你永远不会知道: you never knew告诉我你的感觉: tell me how you feel告诉我你的感受: tell me how you feel告诉我你的故事: someday when your shicome in youll build your dream house; tell me your story i'm all ears告诉我你的名字: tell me your name请告诉我你的电话: p: five two two one three. extension one five six请告诉我你的住址: p: i live in … hotel我将永远不会离你而去: i'll never leave you但你永远不会明白我: but you'll never know me而你永远不会带我们去了: and now you never will