你: you建造: build; construct; make美德: virtue; moral excellence墙: wall建造美国的双手: the hands that built america德之: deutsche welle; noriyuki; tokuyuki美德: virtue; moral excellence 美德无价 virtue is beyond price; 传统美德 traditional virtue; 修道院式的美德 cloistered virtue; 诚实是一种美德。 honesty is a virtue 构造美: architectonic beauty焰之墙: wall of fire建造: 1.[地质学] (地质建造) formation2.(建筑) construct; build; make; form; fabric; machine 这棚屋是用附近森林里长的树木建造的。 the hut was constructed from trees that grew in the nearby forest.; 建造产物 fabric (如房屋或船只); 建造成本 construction cost; 建造价值 constructed value; 建造森林覆被 afforest;建造者 builder; constructor德之岛: tokuno shima; tokuno-shima德之辅: tokunosuke德之杰: dxg德之介: tokunosuke德之进: tokunoshin德之隆: dlem德之佑: tokunosuke德之助: tokunosuke德之佐: tokunosuke德之丞: tokunojo格德之: siege of belgrade齐德之: qi dezhi为你建立两个: cbuilder德行、美德: virtues美德,德行: virtue