你: you和: mix; blend的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...同学: be in the same school; be a ...关系: relation; filiation; relatio ...吗: what老同学关系网: old boy's network你和你的手: u + ur hand你和你的基因: you and your genes和你的关系: relationshito you关系好: be on good terms; on good terms with她知道你和你的事迹魔鬼: she knew your devils and your deeds我喜欢你和你的方式: i like you the way you are和你同学说: talk to your classmates大学的同学: msn工大的同学: xb他的同学: his classmate我的同学: my classmate; my school fellows=my schoolmates关系好(不好): be on good/bad terms with非数学关系: nonmathematical relation晶体学关系: crystallographic relationship数学关系: mathematic relation; relation数学关系式: mathematical relationship但如今你和你的爱人在远方: but there you are with yours我真的觉得你和你的女朋友需要彼此: i really think you and your girlfriend need each other